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Public transport
The service of public transport is provided by busses, trolleybusses and trams. With public transport it is possible to get to almost every location in the city. You have to buy a relevant travel ticket or pay for journey via SMS. Paper ticket has to be marked by putting it into special machine, placed in every vehicle. The most expensive regular day ticket costs € 0,90 per single person and is valid for 60 minutes in weekdays and 90 minutes in weekend and public holidays.
On weekend and school holidays, the number of routes is reduced, so the public transport offers its services less often than in weekdays. At night hours, there are also available special bus and trolleybus routes. Night route ticket is a bit expensive than a regular day ticket and costs € 1,60. Trams does not offer its services at night. Some less used bus stops are for request stop only. In case of passengers would like to get off the vehicle at the request needed bus stop, they need to notice the driver by pressing one of the request buttons located in every part of public transport vehicle.
2014 Bratislava|

Public transport
