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How to get from train station to bus station
Central bus station in Bratislava is located about 3 kilometers from train station. Post address of main train station is "Predstaničné námestie 1" and address of bus station is "Mlynské nivy 31". The options how to travel between train and coach staion are:
Public transport
Use of public transport is cheap option how to get to bus station. The trolleybus will take you just in front of coach station's main entrance. All you need to do is buy a relevant public transport ticket, that costs up to € 1 and find the bus stop, located on the right side from train station, when you exit its building. The journey is provided by trolleybus no. 210, it takes around 10 minutes and bus goes straight to the bus station.
Taking a taxi is quick, but also expensive option to move to a bus station. The taxi route between stations is one of the most expensive in the city and may cost around € 20. If you are not in rush, it is recommended to travel by public transport.
Not a comfortable option, but in case you decide to go by walk, it will take around 45 minutes with no or light baggage. Also the map will be needed.
2014 Bratislava|

Train station to Bus station
