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How to get from train station to airport
There are 2 options, how to travel from main train station to Milan Rastislav Štefánik airport in Bratislava.
Public transport
Cheap option, public transport bus stops are located on the right side when you exit the station building. Bus number 61 goes straight to the airport. The route is in service from 4:45 to 23:05 and the leaves from station almost every 20 minutes. The journey itself takes around 20 minutes. Passenger has to travel with valid public transport ticket. Regular ticket for sigle person costs € 0,90. If passenger has got a baggage, larger than 30x40x60 centimeters, it is also required to buy a ticket for luggage, that costs € 0,45. Paper public transport tickets are available in newspaper store or ticket machines, placed at the bus stops. If passenger has got a local mobile phone number, it is possible to buy a SMS ticket by sending a blank SMS to 1100. In case of SMS ticket, no extra tickets are neede for luggage.
Comfortable and quick, but also expensive option. Taxi journey from train station to airport is one of the most expensive in the city. Taxicabs are situated in front of the train station building.
2014 Bratislava|

Train station to BTS Airport
